Project runtime: 01.03.2021 – 29.02.2024
Additive manufacturing processes (colloquially also 3D printing) are increasingly being used in the production of technical systems and components. Already today, many different materials can be processed with additive methods and work pieces with very demanding geometric shapes can be printed. The knowledge of the exact properties of the ducted materials, the material characteristics, is often still insufficient. For this reason, many areas of application for 3D-manufactured components cannot be fully exploited yet and the potential of the technology cannot be fully utilized. A better knowledge of these values will help Germany as a business location to use this technology for future applications, e.g. in lightweight construction, by saving energy and resources.
The focus of the present research project is therefore a comprehensive investigation and description of additively manufactured metal structures, both in experiments and with computer-aided analysis. In order to make the characteristic values available to other researchers and industry, a systematic description ("ontology") is being developed for the first time, which can be used to search for specific characteristic values, similar to a Wikipedia database.
The Materials Research and Testing Institute in Weimar, the Technical University of Ilmenau, the Technical University of Hamburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Casting, Composite ad Proccessing Technology (IGCV) in Augsburg have joined forces to meet this demanding task. A broad alliance of industry sponsors supports the project and is already showing a high level of interest in the data to be collected.