Platform Material digital
The Material Digitalization Platform

StahlDigital - New publication within the AEM special issue

StahlDigital: Ontology-Based Workflows for the Steel Industry

General Assembly MaterialDigital 2025

Save the Date! 26.-28. November 2025 at BAM in Berlin - We look forward to seeing you!

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Platform MaterialDigital

The present initiative to digitize materials is of particular strategic importance for Germany as a business location, which can only be adequately addressed by pooling the efforts of all stakeholders. Due to the diversity of materials and the processes associated with their production and use, the complexity of the lifecycles of materials and the multitude of academic and industrial participants impose a huge challenge. There are many scattered activities, but there is a lack of bundling of the efforts of all stakeholders, which can eliminate redundancies and a lack of acceptance and advance a common basis in the digitalization of materials. Our goal in meeting this challenge is to contextualize material data in a way that is consistent with all stakeholders: All necessary information on the condition of the material, including production and application-related changes, must be made available via a uniform, machine-readable description. Another central task is to lay the foundation for the development and transfer of an efficient ontology for materials and the associated processes into the applications.


The platform MaterialDigital was launched on 1 July 2019 to initiate appropriate measures. The platform serves primarily to structure the topic area but serves as well as an interaction and communication platform. In addition, it helps to identify concrete work tasks that can be developed in agile working groups and projects of different composition linked to the platform. The dimensions of a data room can be spanned by coupled scientific (specific materials: e.g. Cu, steel, fiber reinforced plastics, functional ceramics,...) and industry-led pilot projects (along value chains: e.g. raw material across supply chains and OEMs up to recycling).

The project goals: What an industrially relevant material data space must fulfill

Sovereignty: Security, ownership and access rights to the data, taking into account the interests of the data creators, are at the forefront of all activities.
Reproducibility: The standardized description of data generation. This must be transparent, traceable and repeatable.
Accessibility: The uniformly and comprehensively described data must be retrievable in order to avoid redundancies in research.
Adaptability: Flexible data logic that is always aligned with new research and development findings.
Curation: Clearly defined specifications for the data enable its quality assurance.

The vision: A decentralized data room as a unity of data and data processing

Generation of material data: When data is generated, it is stored according to unified schemas.
Decentralized storage: The large amounts of data remain at the place of their creation. No data provider cedes its control.
Integrated analysis: Linked software environments allow standardized data access and processing.
Remote access: The network architecture allows external partners to authorize access to the local environment.

The role of the MaterialDigital platform

The platform itself is not a service provider, but a networker and interface of the project and responsible for:

The networking of stakeholders via communication measures, webinars, events and joint governance.

Development of initial concepts for an infrastructure for the digitization of materials implemented by decentralized data servers, operated by local hosting at the partners.

IT-secure access certification that ensures data sovereignty.

Coordinate and drive the development of runtime environments.

Coordinate joint projects in academia and industry.